Are you interested in participating in our research?
Are you feeling depressed? Have you been diagnosed with depression? Are you experiencing some of the following symptoms: loss of interest or motivation, change in appetite or weigh change, change in sleep patterns, fatigue, difficulty concentrating or making decision, or feeling guilty or worthless?
We are conducting research on the hormone oxytocin in persons who are currently depressed. As part of this study, all participants will receive 16 weeks of free psychotherapy.
If you are interested and are between 18 and 50 years of age, please email us at toadcbtstudy@gmail.com for more information.
We are looking for participants who have been in an intimate relationship for at least 6 months to participate in a study involving a computerized attention retraining task.
If you are interested and are 1) between 18 and 60 years of age, 2) fluent in English or French, 3) have normal or corrected vision (including no colour blindness), 4) have no major medical illness, 5) have no diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders or current substance use problems that warrants treatment, please email us at artstudy.concordia@gmail.com for more information.